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Forex Market

It is important to understand that in the forex market you are trading currency pairs as a single unit. These pairs consist of two different currencies and are priced based on the value of one currency divided by the other.

Technically you are making two trades when you trade any forex pair. You are buying one currency while simultaneously selling the other.

With the AUD/USD you are buying the AUD while selling the USD when you go long the pair.


Design Techniques

Roadways considered to be "complete" are not of any one size or description. However, for urban arterials, a number of standard design techniques are typically used:

* Speeds are reduced to be more compatible with pedestrians and bicyclists. This is done by a combination of techniques, included among those listed below.
* Lanes are reduced in width (from 12 feet to 11 or even 10 feet).
* The number of lanes may be reduced, often from 4 to 3, which also improves safety for left turns and allows the most prudent driver to set the speed. This treatment is known as a road diet .
* Sidewalks, if missing, are installed.
* Curb cuts (driveways) may be consolidated to reduce walkway interruptions by moving vehicles.
* Raised medians are installed, which improves safety for crossing pedestrians.
* Universal design features are installed, including audible signals, curb ramps, and providing a 4-foot wide clear path of travel on the sidewalk, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG).
* Pedestrian crossings are enhanced with ladder-stye or zebra-style crosswalk markings, signal modifications such as a leading pedestrian interval or countdown timer , and as needed, flashing crosswalks -- lights embedded in the pavement that flash when activated by a crossing pedestrian.
* Street parking is maintained or installed, which helps to discourage speeding.
* Highway interchanges are modified to eliminate high-speed, free right turns. This is done by "squaring up" the interchange to resemble a typical 90-degree, signal-controlled intersection.
* Corner treatments are installed. These may include curb extensions, right-turn slip lanes, or tighter turning radii, all of which slow right turns and provide greater visibility for pedestrians.
* Transit accommodations are improved in a variety of ways.

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