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Forex Market

It is important to understand that in the forex market you are trading currency pairs as a single unit. These pairs consist of two different currencies and are priced based on the value of one currency divided by the other.

Technically you are making two trades when you trade any forex pair. You are buying one currency while simultaneously selling the other.

With the AUD/USD you are buying the AUD while selling the USD when you go long the pair.


Life as a Street Child

Streets children: Child's life

There he might find work enough to feed himself on "good" days by selling bags or carrying boxes to cars for shoppers, begging, or maybe stealing. Children who are able to walk spend long, hot days carting cardboard displays of goods for sale between cars at intersections. They make enough to eat most days. Street children never make enough to rent a room or visit the doctor.

They are almost never welcome in society. For the most part, these young people spend their whole lives knowing nothing but rejection. They are also objects of rape and sexual attack. People know that street children will not and cannot bring charges against them. So they are often used and abused, but seldom loved or valued.

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